Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация "Healthy way of life"

Презентация "Healthy way of life"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • 1 слайд

  • A Healthy Way of Life

    2 слайд

    A Healthy Way of Life

  • Health
A medicine
A patient
A diet...

    3 слайд

    A medicine
    A patient
    A diet
    To cough

    Phonetic practice


    4 слайд


  • When should people get up and go to bed?
How many times a day should people c...

    5 слайд

    When should people get up and go to bed?
    How many times a day should people clean their teeth?
    What should people do before eating?
    What healthy food should people eat?
    Whom should people consult to prevent an illness?
    What should people do if they have a cold?
    What should people do if they have a toothache?
    What should people do if they can’t sleep?
    Questions about health

  • wealth is good above health
a day apple an away keeps doctor a
to and healthy...

    6 слайд

    wealth is good above health
    a day apple an away keeps doctor a
    to and healthy bed wise makes a rise man early and early to wealthy
    a mind sound in body a sound
    Put the words of the proverbs about health in a logical order

  • Good health is above wealth
An apple a day keeps a doctor away
Early to bed a...

    7 слайд

    Good health is above wealth
    An apple a day keeps a doctor away
    Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
    A sound mind in a sound body
    Proverbs about health

  • Find the Russian equivalents for these English proverbsGood health is above w...

    8 слайд

    Find the Russian equivalents for these English proverbs
    Good health is above wealth
    Кто рано ложится и рано встаёт, здоровье, богатство и ум наживёт
    В здоровом теле – здоровый дух

    An apple a day keeps a doctor away
    A sound mind in a sound body
    Здоровье дороже богатства
    Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
    Кушай по яблоку в день, и доктор не понадобится

  • Get up early and go to bed early
Wash your hands before eating
Watch TV...

    9 слайд

    Get up early and go to bed early
    Wash your hands before eating
    Watch TV too long
    Go in for sports
    Clean your teeth once a day
    Sleep enough
    Take a cold shower
    Eat too many sweets
    Spend much time indoors
    Eat between meals
    Air the room
    You should
    You shouldn’t
    Health Code

  • Get up early and go to bed early
Wash your hands before eating
Go in for spor...

    10 слайд

    Get up early and go to bed early
    Wash your hands before eating
    Go in for sports
    Sleep enough
    Take a cold shower
    Air the room
    You should

  • Smoke
Watch TV too long
Clean your teeth once a day
Eat too many sweets

    11 слайд

    Watch TV too long
    Clean your teeth once a day
    Eat too many sweets
    Spend much time indoors
    Eat between meals
    You shouldn’t

  • 12 слайд

  • 13 слайд

  • 14 слайд

  • 15 слайд

  • 16 слайд

  • 17 слайд

  • Alouette, little Alouette,Alouette, play the game with me.Put your finger o...

    18 слайд

    Alouette, little Alouette,
    Alouette, play the game with me.
    Put your finger on your head }   2
    On your head }    2
    Don’t forget, Alouette, oh!
    Alouette, little Alouette,
    Alouette, play the game with me.
    Put your finger on your nose }    2
    On your nose }    2
    On your head }    2
    Don’t forget, Alouette, oh!
    Alouette, little Alouette,
    Alouette, play the game with me.
    Put your finger on your mouth}    2
    On your mouth }    2
    On your nose }    2
    On your head }    2
    Don’t forget, Alouette, oh!
    Alouette, little Alouette,
    Alouette, play the game with me.
    Put your finger on your chin}    2 
    On your chin }    2
    On your mouth }    2
    On your nose }    2
    On your head }    2
    Don’t forget, Alouette, oh!

  • 19 слайд

              At the Doctor’s

    20 слайд

    At the Doctor’s


    21 слайд


  • What do you do to keep fit?A magic flower

    22 слайд

    What do
    you do to
    keep fit?
    A magic flower

  • CrosswordAcross:
1. A place where we get medical help
4. A sheet of paper wit...

    23 слайд

    1. A place where we get medical help
    4. A sheet of paper with the help of which we take medicine at the chemist’s
    6. The front of the neck
    7. A feeling of being hurt
    1. A state of being well
    2. You take it to treat an illness
    3. … is what one usually eats and drinks
    4. A person who needs medical help
    5. A person who gives us medical help
    7. The number of movements that you can feel in a minute

  • CrosswordAcross:
1. A place where we get medical help
4. A sheet of paper wit...

    24 слайд

    1. A place where we get medical help
    4. A sheet of paper with the help of which we take medicine at the chemist’s
    6. The front of the neck
    7. A feeling of being hurt
    1. A state of being well
    2. You take it to treat an illness
    3. … is what one usually eats and drinks
    4. A person who needs medical help
    5. A person who gives us medical help
    7. The number of movements that you can feel in a minute

  • Home AssignmentWrite a prescription for a patient

    25 слайд

    Home Assignment
    Write a prescription for a patient

  • Thank you for your attention!

    26 слайд

    Thank you for your attention!

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