Инфоурок Алгебра ПрезентацииSleepbus


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  • SleepBusPrepared by: Meruert  Muratova 
Alua Umarova 
Diana Sembi...

    1 слайд

    Prepared by: Meruert Muratova
    Alua Umarova
    Diana Sembieva
    Aigerim Kairmukhamet

    Verified: Amina Uaisova

  • Purpose: To give comfort to passengers!Description: "SleepBus" is a very conv...

    2 слайд

    Purpose: To give comfort to passengers!
    Description: "SleepBus" is a very convenient, large-capacity passenger car. Consumers will be able to get a break from one city to another.

  • SleepBusThe SleepBus bus is built on the basis of a major tractor and is...

    3 слайд

    The SleepBus bus is built on the basis of a major tractor and is a large-size truck.
    A simple bus turned into a capsule hotel. The ticket you bought will not only be a place to sit, but also a treatment for your body. Each compact is equipped with a plug and a reading lamp. In addition, the bus has an Internet access point and a large cargo hold.

  • 4 слайд

  • This project is based in the United States and has been intensively used. It...

    5 слайд

    This project is based in the United States and has been intensively used. It was originally launched in San Francisco and Los Angeles.
    The problem of transport comfort in the Kazakhstan is a decisive solution. This eliminated the discomfort of passengers. This helps to use the infrastructure of the city on the one hand!

  • SleepBus, in turn, left one city to another at 23:00 and suggested arriving...

    6 слайд

    SleepBus, in turn, left one city to another at 23:00 and suggested arriving at another place at 6 a.m., depending on traffic, about an hour's journey. People arriving early in the "sleeping bus" can sleep up to 9 - route owners also offer this option.
    It is very comfortable for tourists. It will also improve our local tourism.

  • SleepBUS

    7 слайд


  • many people who travel from one city to another in Kazakhstan, they get very...

    8 слайд

    many people who travel from one city to another in Kazakhstan, they get very tired of the long road and sitting on a seat for 24 hours is very bad for our body, you can catch a cold even with warm clothes that night.
    Our Mantra
    Sleep changes everything.
    Our Mission
    Provide a safe, temporary, overnight stay for tourists during the trip
    Our Vision
    Then the development of this species in our country

  • SleepBus is a very popular vehicle. It is a big bus, where instead of seats t...

    9 слайд

    SleepBus is a very popular vehicle. It is a big bus, where instead of seats there are sleeping places on two floors. The seats are located along the windows and in the middle, and at the end of the bus there are 5 seats at once, which is convenient if you travel in a large company.
    It’s more convenient to go by the window because you can look out the window, adjust the air conditioner, curtain the sun, lean on the window, turn away so that you don’t breathe from neighboring places. In the middle it’s more convenient because the beds are longer and you can stretch your legs. It’s good to go behind, if the bus is not crowded, you can have fun at one and a half places at once and stretch your legs into the aisle. Upper or lower shelf - does not play a special role.

  • In each compartment there is a charge (so that you can charge any electronic...

    10 слайд

    In each compartment there is a charge (so that you can charge any electronic device on the road), and on board there is a wi-fi network, a table at which you can sit and work, coffee, tea, and a place for three bags or even a bicycle in the compartment for luggage.
    A new form of public transport offers travelers the unique opportunity to move between the two largest cities of Kazakhstan

  • The price also depends on the time of the trip, if you go during the day it w...

    11 слайд

    The price also depends on the time of the trip, if you go during the day it will be cheaper, but due to the traffic, you will have to travel 1-1.5 hours longer. Night buses make fewer stops (sometimes they don’t do at all), but the bus doesn’t go, but just "flies."

  • At night, in the sleepbus, they either turn off the light completely or turn...

    12 слайд

    At night, in the sleepbus, they either turn off the light completely or turn on the blue-red backlight. Stops are usually no more than 20 minutes in order to go to the toilet and eat. So it’s better not to go far from the bus. Air conditioners work hard so that they do not get sick, so everyone is provided with rugs, so you should bring a long-sleeved sweater with you. Water is usually distributed free of charge.
    The bus has a luggage compartment, only fragile things are better not to hand over. Under the shoes give packages. Headrests are not very comfortable, when the bus turns, the head falls off them, so unfasten it or grab an air bag with you. Another nice little thing is sleeper bass - each one has free wi-fi, the password for which is written at the door of the bus.

  • we want to improve our local buses that run more than 12 hours. it will also...

    13 слайд

    we want to improve our local buses that run more than 12 hours. it will also improve our local tourism. many residents of Kazakhstan do not like to travel from city to city since you need to go either by bus or by car, and both are inconvenient for us
    For example, driving from Almaty to Alakol for 9 hours by car is firstly dangerous and secondly very inconvenient but fast. And on buses it’s safe but again uncomfortable at night very cold even in summer. it is not recommended on airplanes as you need to go by taxi for 1.5 hours. you get very tired before you reach. therefore, we want the buses to take effect.

  • conclusionWe want to develop our local touri...

    14 слайд


    We want to develop our local tourism with this project. and I would like to replace our old buses designed for tourists with this bus. Yes and the price is of course the same as the simple buses for tourists that we currently have. We just added comfort to our old tourist bus and also hope that it will be faster than the old one.

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