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Презентация на тему Своя игра «Бюджетная система»

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Своя игра

    1 слайд

    Своя игра

  • Правила игрыИграют 2 команды. Основная цель – отвечать на вопросы и заработат...

    2 слайд

    Правила игры
    Играют 2 команды. Основная цель – отвечать на вопросы и заработать как можно больше очков.
    Суть игры: команды отвечают на вопросы разной сложности, пытаясь опередить друг друга.
    Игра состоит из 1 раунда и содержит 2 вопроса от спонсора, 2 вопроса «Слон в пакете», 2 вопроса-аукциона и 24 обычных вопроса разной стоимости от 50 до 250 баллов.

  • Если команде достался «Слон в пакете», то она обязана передать вопрос другой...

    3 слайд

    Если команде достался «Слон в пакете», то она обязана передать вопрос другой команде. Получившая команда выбирает стоимость вопроса (от 50 до 250 очков).
    Время на ответ = 2 мин.
    Молчание = неверный ответ.
    «Слон в пакете»

  • There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try...

    4 слайд

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    На этот вопрос отвечает команда, которой он попался, без борьбы с другой командой. Перед тем, как заслушать вопрос, команда самостоятельно назначает стоимость вопроса, которая не больше уже накопленной суммы баллов команды.
    При верном(неверном) ответе данная сумма прибавляется(отнимается) к(от) накопленным очкам. Время на ответ = 2 мин.

  • Тема вопроса не совпадает 
с выбранной темой.
Время на ответ = 2 мин.

    5 слайд

    Тема вопроса не совпадает
    с выбранной темой.
    Время на ответ = 2 мин.
    Правильный ответ = сумма удваивается. Неправильный ответ = команда ничего не теряет.
    «Вопрос от спонсора»

  • There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try...

    6 слайд

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    Заслушав вопрос, команды обсуждают ответ, и придя к общему решению поднимают карточку, стараясь опередить соперника.
    Время на ответ = 1 мин.
    Обычные вопросы

  • 10010010010010010010015015015015015015015020020020020020020020025025025025025...

    7 слайд


  • ВОПРОС-АУКЦИОНДотации на
 выравнивание бюджетной обеспеченности предоставляют...

    8 слайд

    Дотации на
    выравнивание бюджетной обеспеченности предоставляются муниц. районам(гор. округам), уровень расчетной обеспеченности которых…
    …не превышает уровень, установленный в качестве критерия выравнивания.

  • ВОПРОС-АУКЦИОНЗаполните пропуски: 
Государственный (муниципальный) долг  –  э...

    9 слайд

    Заполните пропуски:
    Государственный (муниципальный) долг – это …, возникающие из …, …, … в соответствии с видами долговых обязательств, принятыми на себя РФ, субъектами РФ или мун.образ-ми.
    ( обязательства, гос(мун)заимствований, гарантий по обязательствам 3х лиц, другие обязательства).

  • СЛОН 
            В ПАКЕТЕДворянские … оценивались  
в 60 рублей, первостатей...

    10 слайд

    Дворянские … оценивались
    в 60 рублей, первостатейные
    купеческие в 100 рублей,
    рядовые торговые – в 60 рублей, холопьи в 30 рублей. Для крестьян у себя в деревне – вовсе даром, но при въезде и выезде из города платили за них 1 копейку. Вопрос: о чем идет речь?

  • СЛОН 
            В ПАКЕТЕ

    11 слайд


  • Вопрос от 
      спонсораЧто показывает кривая 
Лаффера? Изобразите 
кривую Л...

    12 слайд

    Вопрос от
    Что показывает кривая
    Лаффера? Изобразите
    кривую Лаффера на графике, объясните, какую закономерность она отражает.

  • Вопрос от 
     спонсораВ соответствии с Законом ХМАО-Югры от 
10.11.2008 № 1...

    13 слайд

    Вопрос от
    В соответствии с Законом ХМАО-Югры от
    10.11.2008 № 132-оз «О межбюджетных отношениях в
    ХМАО-Югре» при составлении и (или) утверждении
    бюджета автономного округа по согласованию с
    представительными органами муниципальных
    образований дотаций на выравнивание бюджетной обеспеченности поселений, а также дотаций на выравнивание бюджетной обеспеченности муниц.районов(гор.округов) могут быть полностью или частично заменены дополнительными нормативами отчислений от НДФЛ. На какой срок устанавливаются такие дополнительные нормативы отчислений?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    14 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Какой фонд образуют дотации на выравнивание бюджетной обеспеченности муниципальных районов и городских округов?
    региональный фонд финансовой поддержи муниципальных районов и городских округов

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    15 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    собственных доходов и источников финансирования дефицита бюджета ХМАО
    Одним из видов субвенций местным бюджетам являются субвенции, которые формируются за счет….. в объеме, необходимом для осуществления мун. образованиями отдельных полномочий органов власти округа

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    16 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    районный фонд финансовой
    поддержи поселений
    Какой фонд образуют дотации на выравнивание бюджетной обеспеченности поселений из бюджетов мун.районов?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    17 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    это соотношение налоговых доходов на 1 жителя, которые могут быть получены бюджетом поселения исходя из налоговой базы и аналогичного показателя в среднем по поселениям данного мун.района с учетом эконом.,климат., геогр., и иных различий
    Дайте определение уровню расчетной бюджетной обеспеченности

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    18 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    индекс налогового потенциала поселения/индекс бюджетных расходов поселения
    Как рассчитывается бюджетная обеспеченность поселения?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    19 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    налог на имущество, ндфл, земельный
    Какие налоги входят в репрезентативную систему налогов при расчете налогового потенциала поселения?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    20 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    это совокупность экономических отношений в лице органов власти и управления с одной стороны и ФЛ и ЮЛ с другой, при которых государство (муниципалитет) выступает в качестве заемщика, кредитора, и гаранта
    Дайте определение государственному (муниципальному) кредиту

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    21 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    распределительная, регулирующая, контрольная
    Перечислите функции государственного кредита

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    22 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    сводная бюджетная роспись
    и кассовый план
    На основе каких документов организуется исполнение бюджета?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    23 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    документ, который составляется и ведется финансовым органом(органом управления государственным ВБФ) в целях организации исполнения бюджета по расходам и исполнением финансирования дефицита бюджета
    Что такое сводная бюджетная роспись?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    24 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    это прогноз кассовых поступлений в бюджет и кассовых выплат из бюджета в текущем финансовом году
    Что такое кассовый план?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    25 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    принцип единства кассы и подведомственности расходов
    На основе каких принципов исполняется бюджет?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    26 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    это прогнозируемая в определенный период текущего финансового года недостаточность на едином счете бюджета денежных средств, необходимых для осуществления кассовых выплат из бюджета
    Что такое временный кассовый разрыв?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    27 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    орган, исполняющий бюджет, на основании отчетов ГРБСов
    Кто и на основании чего готовит отчет об исполнении бюджета?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    28 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Банковские гарантии, государственные (муниципальные) гарантии, залог имущества
    В ХМАО способами обеспечения исполнения обязательств принципала могут быть…

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    29 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Государственное регулирование экономики;
    Финансовое обеспечение социальной политики;
    Перераспределение ВВП и национального дохода.
    Назовите функции бюджета, как основного финансового плана

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    30 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Консолидированный бюджет субъекта РФ
    Бюджет субъекта РФ и свод бюджетов муниципальных образований, входящих в состав субъекта РФ, без учета трансфертов между этими бюджетами это …

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    31 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Принцип сбалансированности бюджетов
    Назовите принцип бюджетной системы :
    «Объем предусмотренных расходов должен соответствовать объему доходов и поступлению источников финансирования его дефицитов»

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    32 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Составление проекта бюджета
    Рассмотрение бюджета
    Исполнение бюджета
    Подготовка, рассмотрение и утверждение отчета об исполнении бюджета
    Назовите стадии бюджетного
    процесса в РФ?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    33 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Бюджетный (фискальный) федерализм
    Система управления общественными финансами, основанная на разграничении между различными уровнями власти бюджетных прав и полномочий в области формирования и расходования бюджетных средств бюджетного процесса и интересов всего общества в целом это…

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    34 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    На 1 год или на 3 года в соответствии
    с муниципально-правовым актом представительного органа поселения.
    На какой срок составляется и утверждается
    проект бюджета поселения?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    35 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Бюджетное послание Президента РФ
    Прогноз социально-экономического развития территории
    Основные направления бюджетной и налоговой политики
    Государственные(муниципальные) программы
    На каких документах основывается составление проекта бюджета?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    36 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Министерство финансов, финансовые органы субъектов РФ и муниципальных образований
    Кто осуществляет непосредственное составление проектов бюджетов?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    37 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Принцип подведомственности расходов бюджетов
    Назовите принцип бюджетной системы:
    «Получатели бюджетных средств в праве получать бюджетные ассигнования и лимиты бюджетных ассигнований только от ГРБСов, в ведении которых они находятся»

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    38 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Расходы бюджета
    Уплачиваемые из бюджета денежные средства за исключением средств являются источниками финансирования дефицита бюджета – это …

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    39 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Федеральный бюджет и свод консолидированных бюджетов субъектов РФ (без учета межбюджетных трансфертов между этими бюджетами)
    Что входит в консолидированный бюджет РФ?

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    40 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Среднесрочный финансовый план
    Если проект местного бюджета составляется на 1 год, тогда составляется и утверждается …

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    41 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    это инструмент бюджетной политики, который отражает конкретную целевую направленность бюджетных отношений на решение экономических и социальных
    Бюджетный механизм – это …

  • Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try anothe...

    42 слайд

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one
    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify

    Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    Is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid file format, please specify another one
    No enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    There is no enough space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another Space to place the image or image is the same, please try another one or shrink image size. Invalid BIOS file format, please specify another one

    совершения разрешительной надписи/акцепта
    Санкционирование оплаты денежных обязательств осуществляется в форме…

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    Шуклина Оксана Валерьевна
    Шуклина Оксана Валерьевна
    • На сайте: 3 года и 4 месяца
    • Подписчики: 0
    • Всего просмотров: 77911
    • Всего материалов: 205

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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Менеджер по туризму

Менеджер по туризму

500/1000 ч.

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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Библиотечно-библиографические и информационные знания в педагогическом процессе


300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 487 человек из 71 региона
  • Этот курс уже прошли 2 328 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Специалист в области охраны труда

72/180 ч.

от 1750 руб. от 1050 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 34 человека из 21 региона
  • Этот курс уже прошли 154 человека

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Организация деятельности библиотекаря в профессиональном образовании


300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 284 человека из 66 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 849 человек


Социальные и правовые аспекты эпохи Просвещения: влияние на образование сегодня

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Toolbox классического проектного менеджмента

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Готовимся к ЕГЭ по литературе

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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